JOHN 19:14
Yeshua Brought to Pilate at Sixth Hour
vs Third Hour in APV

John identifies the hour in which Yeshua was brought before Pilate as being about the “sixth” hour (John 19:13-15), which corresponds to noon. Yet, Mark identifies the hour in which He was crucified as being the “third” hour (Mark 15:25), which corresponds to 9 a.m.. Both testimonies cannot be true, because if they were, that would place the trial of Yeshua after He died on the stake.

In the Third Century AD, Peter, the Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, wrote a note titled, “That Up to the Time of the Destruction of Jerusalem, the Jews Rightly Appointed the Fourteenth Day of the First Lunar Month.” In section 5 of the note, he quotes the text of John 19:13-14, which identifies the hour in which Yeshua was brought before Pilate as being about the “third” hour. He adds, “…as the accurate books have it, and the autograph copy itself of the Evangelist John, which up to this day has by divine grace been preserved in the most holy church of Ephesus, and is there adored by the faithful.”

Adam Clarke, a Bible commentator, wrote: “The sixth hour - Mark says, in Mark 15:25, that it was the third hour. trith, the third, is the reading of DL, four others [i.e., other manuscripts], the Chron. Alex., Seuerus Antiochen., Ammonius, with others mentioned by Theophylact. Nonnus, who wrote in the fifth century, reads trith, the third. As in ancient times all the numbers were written in the manuscripts not at large but in numeral letters, it was easy for g three, to be mistaken for v six. The Codex Bezae has generally numeral letters instead of words. Bengel observes that he has found the letter g gamma, three, exceedingly like the v episemon, six, in some MSS. [Episemon = greek ‘st’ combined, similar appearance to final form sigma with a nearly flat top. Similar appearance to upper case gamma G.] The major part of the best critics think that trith, the third, is the genuine reading.”

Thus, the evidence proves that the word sixth in the statement that was attributed to John was the result of a scribal error and that He was actually brought before Pilate at about the “third” hour. This is how the word is rendered in this version.

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