THE EXODUS & MOUNT SINAI - Your Visitor's Center, your first stop on your journey to explore the historical and archaeological information available on the Biblical Exodus and the Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia.
Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia - The Ryan Mauro Show, 2018
David Rohl is an Egyptologist who is featured in the Patterns of Evidence. Topics include the corrected Exodus timeline.
The Red Sea Miracle
Patterns of Evidence - Steve Law
1 hour 34 min
"The crossing of the RED SEA is one of the greatest miracles of the BIBLE. Today, widely different ideas are proposed for the location and scale of the journey out of Egypt and across the sea. This debate brings up questions such as how far and fast were the Israelites capable of traveling, does the biblical text really describe a mighty sea being split, and what kind of miracles would be required at the various sites proposed? Is the standard view ignoring important biblical information about God's involvement? A patterns approach points to a biblical miracle that was awesome beyond imagination."
In this presentation, Steve Law of "Patterns of Evidence" team discusses points raised in "The Red Sea Miracle" film, using what is termed "Egyptian vs Hebrew" approach and following the five main steps of Israel's journey to the Red Sea crossing, including:
1. Departure Point 2. Direction 3. Desert 4. Detour to a Dead End 5. Deep Sea
This includes addressing questions such as: - Which Sea was crossed? - How many Israelites? - Can you get to almost million males in the years in Egypt? - Which desert / wilderness was crossed? - How many days does it take to cross the desert? - What do other historians, like Josephus, say? - What about Egyptian toponyms? - Was the sea shallow or deep?" - Restoration Down Under
The Exodus Revealed:
Searching for the Red Sea Crossing
Discovery Media Productions
1 hour 25 min
The Red Sea Crossing
Ark Discovery International, 2012
25 min
The Exodus Case
Guests: Dr. Lennart Moller & the Caldwells, GLC, 2013
1 hour 59 min
The Red Sea Crossing
A Rood Awakening, 2014
57 min
The Journey Begins
Guests: Jim & Penny Caldwell
A Rood Awakening, 2016
57 min
The Evidence
Guests: Jim & Penny Caldwell
A Rood Awakening, 2016
54 min
BOOK: "Mount Sinai in Arabia" -- Available in Paperback on Amazon - free PDF download
Coincidence or Evidence?
Guest: Joel Richardson
A Rood Awakening, 2018
38 min
The View from Mount Sinai
Guest: Joel Richardson
A Rood Awakening, 2018
39 min
At the Foot of Mount Sinai
Guest: Joel Richardson
A Rood Awakening, 2018
40 min
All Evidence Points to Midian
Guest: Joel Richardson
A Rood Awakening, 2018
41 min
The Myth of Mount Sinai
Guest: Joel Richardson
A Rood Awakening, 2018
45 min
The Great Secret from Sinai
Guest: Dr. Miles R. Jones
A Rood Awakening, 2018
52 min
Evidence of the Exodus
Guest: Dr. Miles R. Jones
A Rood Awakening, 2018
54 min
Forbidden Footage
Red Sea Crossing & Mt. Sinai
Guest: Kevin Fisher
A Rood Awakening, 2017
55 min
Sinai: Proving the Bible
Guest: Kevin Fisher
A Rood Awakening, Oct 2, 2020
58 min
The Red Sea Crossing 2
Guest: Kevin Fisher
A Rood Awakening, Oct 9, 2020
58 min
The Split Rock - New Footage
Guest: Kevin Fisher
A Rood Awakening, Oct 16, 2020
55 min
Wild West of the Middle East
Guest: Kevin Fisher
A Rood Awakening, Oct 23, 2020
56 min